HRD Trusted Partner

At HRD Antwerp we make a difference between the HRD Trusted Partner, HRD retailer and an HRD PoT (Point of Trust). All three made a different level of commitment with HRD Antwerp. As an independent lab we don’t see our role limited as making sure your jewellery and diamonds get certified and keep their value, but also to inform you on how to protect and inform yourself as a customer. Information is knowledge.
Some of our manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers use us only as a laboratory. Those are our HRD Trusted Partners. Those who are committed and ready to maintain our highest standards of customer support, are our Points of Trust.
For the best experiences and the highest degree of guarantee on getting the most out of your jewellery experience, we recommend to shop at our Points of Trust.

An HRD trusted partner is a manufacturer, wholesaler, supplier in the value chain ranging from diamonds to jewellery who sells HRD Antwerp certified jewellery and diamonds.
All HRD certified products of HRD Antwerp can be verified through MyHRD.
An HRD trusted partner might have had training by HRD Antwerp, but it is not required. Only a Point of Trust is an official member of the retailer network of HRD Antwerp.
To register as an HRD Trusted Partner: